In a world filled with heartache, dashed hopes and unmet expectations, the thought of having peace and life really sounds appealing doesn't it? What do you do with a life filled with pain and misery? How about the person who expresses no need for God? How about the one who like a train to nowhere wanders aimlessly; or the one who recycles trouble like a continuous loop, an unbroken circle of missing links? Where do you point the person, the couple, the family, or even the church or community that seems to have lost their way, seems like they have hit a dead-end or worse, sees no way out of a miserable existence?
It might seem so counter-intuitive, but you point them to death. Death is the answer. One death specifically: the death of Christ. Some might point them to the incarnation, others to the resurrection, but I’m angling for the crucifixion, the death, the blood, the cross. It is where the action was at; it is where He purchased my life. What happened at the moment of Christ’s death is nothing short of supernatural. The veil was torn from top to bottom. The earth shook. Rocks split. Tombs were opened. The dead arose. And blaspheming Gentiles became worshipers, pagans became God-praisers. The dead came to life at Christ’s death. And there resulted an eerie, abiding peace.
The peace that had long eluded the masses was now present. What was purchased at extreme cost, now offered for free. God tore that curtain. He had opened the way into His presence that had heretofore been shut. The Most Holy Place was now possible. God became our dwelling place. Our refuge in every storm. The onlookers marveled, the masses gasped. Darkness dwelt at midday. Scripture was fulfilled. A shock to the senses, a rude awakening for the previously dead, an obstruction to sworn enemies. A ruse to be unmasked. A foe to be vanquished. But so much more lovely to some.
The scene was riddled with terror and love. Awe-inspiring confessions from those lately mocking. Beautiful cries from those reborn. I cry at the thought. It crushes my pride and softens my craving heart. Something real happened to them. It was Jesus. He invaded time and space and did what no mere human could do: bought humanity back from the curse; pulled us off the ledge and into His waiting arms. Pierced hands and side came to our rescue. Arriving like cavalry. Saving lost children. Now held by the Answer. Transformed by the Glory. Safely to arrive at home.
The Presence ever-present; the peace unending. No terror can assail the child of God enveloped in His love. No storm can smash the foundation lovingly set by the Master at His craft. No foe can bash the one trusting in the Man killed at Skull Rock. Go to the Word of God and to Jesus who can transform any situation. Jesus’ death bought life for seekers. Jesus’ life gives hope to mourners. Jesus Himself calls out to scoffers. His death brings peace and life. Eternity opened to the called and chosen. Jesus is able to sort out your mess. My message of hope for you, and God’s eternal riches for all who believe.
(Matthew 27:45-56)