Online Giving

One of the things that the gospel does in transforming our lives is give us the best possible reason to give our lives in service to God and others. We want to do what Psalm 100:2 says, "Serve the Lord with gladness."

Instead of serving to earn God's favor, we serve because we've been accepted by God. We don't serve so God will love us more, His great love inspires us to serve Him. Instead of just looking out for our own best interest, or serving our own needs, we want to give to others. And that service, that gospel-driven service, takes many shapes and forms.

One of the ways that Jesus blesses his church is by giving people in his body different callings and gifts with which to serve in various roles. One of those roles is Elder and one of those roles is Deacon. Elders are to shepherd the flock, to give oversight, and to teach the word faithfully. Deacons are called to be ministers of mercy and meet practical needs.

Christ's church should want to honor such people who serve faithfully as elders and deacons. 1 Thessalonians 5:12 says "We ask you, brothers, to respect those who labor among you and are over you in the Lord and admonish you,." We also should want to commission people who are new to these roles.  When the early church chose the first deacons, Acts 6:6 says "These they set before the apostles, and they prayed and laid their hands on them."

They were not the only ones in that church with that gifting, just like those churches select today are not the only ones with that gifting, but they were the ones that the Holy Spirit had the congregation choose at that time. They were called to be servants. They are called to serve the interests of Christ and his church.

God wants us to continue in serving and encourage others that are beginning or have just begun to serve.  It honors God and encourages His Church. We who have been saved by sovereign grace, through the gift of faith in Christ, should pray for and work towards these things for God's glory and the good of Christ's Church.

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