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Take the opportunity to find your pleasure in God today, rather than wallowing in self-pity, or pontificating about your opinions. Read Hebrews 13:1-19 and see how many exhortations you can practice during this shelter-in-place, social distancing, quarantine time.

I don’t know about you, but it’s kind of nice to know you get to just rest a while. We are so crazy busy in our lives that sometimes we don’t stop to take a breather. So, a forced pause might be just what the Great Physician ordered.

The Gospel is the good news of the grace and power of God to redeem undeserving sinners to eternal life through Jesus’ perfect, sinless life; substitutional, sacrificial death; and resurrection from the grave.

For the past 2+ years in Romans we have seen God’s glory, greatness, and power towards us who believe.

Does God's Word inspire thankfulness in your heart?

How true believers can be not ashamed, offended by, or stingy with the Gospel.

May the Gospel be displayed like water to thirsty and desperate souls, just like mine, through all who believe.

Has the Gospel changed your heart? Then your relationships will change because you will work hard with the Lord's strength to do what you know is right. It's part of being in the family.

Inspired by John 18:1-11.

The theological words satisfaction and substitution need to be carefully defined and safeguarded, but they cannot in any circumstances be given up. The biblical gospel of atonement is of God satisfying himself by substituting himself for us.

God's people share God's mission. We may not always feel, look, or act like it, but when God reconciled us to Himself through Christ we became ambassadors for Christ in a very needy world (2 Cor. 5:17-21).

I am thankful for the precious blood of Christ by which I'm saved.

The gospel is everything you need to please God.

God brings about a beautiful change and resulting commitment to His family, in the lives of all He has chosen.

Are you serving the clock and the dollar, or are they serving God's good gospel purposes? What's the reality in your life? Would you like to know how you can break free?

The very bright and powerful hope of the gospel is that lasting life change is really possible. The finished work of Christ at the Cross means that restarts can and actually do happen by the miraculous working of God.

What do born again believers in the Lord Jesus Christ really really want?

One of the things that the gospel does in transforming our lives is give us the best possible reason to give our lives in service to God and others.

God is the giver of life. We must stand for life.

The wonders of sovereign grace and gospel transformation.

Going to the Cross Jesus' life was innocent, devalued and hated. We were guilty, puffed up and self-absorbed.

Some people get disillusioned and say this Jesus thing doesn't work. It's because they are walking around with only half a gospel.

The gospel of the grace of God in Christ is drenched in mercifully provided repentance that not only restores vitality of faith but health in Christ's body the Church. It is something for which we must pray and rejoice when it comes. It is needed like air, on a moment by moment basis. For the flourishing of Christ's Bride and for the nations to be made glad in God (Acts 5:31; 2 Tim. 2:24-26).

Pain is a part of every life and God gives believers an amazing story to tell. .

Every Christian has gospel work to do. And every Christian is called to do that work in the Church and the world.

South Africa 2013 Recap of Days 9-14

What's happening in South Africa? Check it out!