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This Coronavirus crisis, especially the shelter-in-place aspect, has affected many relationships. It has tested many families and friendships. An over-abundance of stress and frazzled nerves, plus dwelling in closer quarters, almost always results in increased friction. If we are honest, we have all contributed. How can you make a positive, godly impact in your home, church, neighborhood, and the larger community? Here are 4 Keys to Relational Health you can practice during this Coronavirus pandemic.

Take the opportunity to find your pleasure in God today, rather than wallowing in self-pity, or pontificating about your opinions. Read Hebrews 13:1-19 and see how many exhortations you can practice during this shelter-in-place, social distancing, quarantine time.

It is easy to miss the point of significant days; to get so emotionally attached to an event we miss their daily importance.

The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is the most important event in history.

Good Friday starts in seeming defeat, yet leads to victory on Resurrection Sunday. Christ’s separation and suffering led to the greatest victory imaginable.

Opinions on how to respond right now are many. The right and wrong of all this is really tricky. Some are more clear cut and all are wisdom issues.