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Born to die a bloody death

To take my place upon the cross

Paying the price of redemption

Buying pardon to save the lost


Once came the mighty conquerer

Cradled in humble arms of youth

Bringing the hopeless freshest hope

Igniting faith in Christ the Truth


Shocked by the evil treatment

Kept by the unseen hand

Friend of the friendless immortal

Infinite became finite man


On a hill of wandering sheep

The siren calling out the sound

Blaring news fit for a King

Jesus Christ has come to town


Casting down enemy strongholds

And cutting through confusion deep

Appeared the humble immortal

Bringing life for those He would keep


Beloved's own destination

Combined to catch the scent of love

Life-giving spirit now appearing

He perfectily came from above


Breaking in to shadowed alleys

Crashing through barricaded gardens

In the realm of fallen comrades

Amongst twisted unfeeling thorns


The light unending now shining

Fighting while foes are roaming free

The answer unbending landing

Shocking unsuspecting family


Cradled in eternity past

Cast down to rewrite our story

Cutting through sin's murky mire

Caught up in shining glory


Drawing the hungry unknowing

Drowning in sin's dirt and grime

Bringing a rescue settled

Decreed before the dawn of time


Now drinking deep from the water

Now knowing mystery, all is well

No more hiding but now hidden 

Freed from sin, death, and hell


And it will be so forever

Those who were formerly dead

Now safe and secure in His arms

Alive in Him the living head


And they will leap with newfound joy

They now hear the sweetest sound

All will worship at His feet

All was lost but now they're found


And He will reign forever

This cradle-born eternal Son

We do not deserve our pardon

We belong to the coming One.

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