Holidays can be simultaneously wonderful and painful. Christ-centered, gospel-changed people can become really disheartened by their responses to difficult situations and relationships. It is so easy to hear the Word of God and not be changed. Praise God that He intervenes. Apart from God's intervention we cannot understand the Word of God and the purposes of God in Christ, nor can we survive the tricky relational waters we are called to navigate. In a miraculous way God illumines our hearts and minds, so that we would love Jesus and understand the Scriptures (Luke 24:27, 31, 45). It's all about loving Jesus, believing in Him, and rejoicing in His goodness (1 Peter 1:8). This literally transforms us and all our interactions. It changes our outlook on everything, including how we care for others and enter into their lives. So relax, think and pray it through, then take humble-bold action; and be at peace, knowing God has it covered and will act for His glory and your good (Rom. 8:28-30).