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The gospel of the grace of God in Christ makes spiritually dead people new (Eph. 2:1-10) and catapults them into the realm of the lost being found and the least being treasured. Transformed lives dot the landscape of a world simultaneously pushing aside what God has to say and almost inexplicably seeming to scream for it. A veiled desire for truth mingled with a disdain for true righteousness. The desperate cries of a confused world gone wrong dressed in the fading sunset of a formerly biblical worldview. The universe reverberates with God's truth and is simultaneously weighed down by man's sin and the resulting fallout. Like addicts to drugs, like flies to garbage, man runs back to the sin that destroys him. We were there but we were washed and changed by the blood of Christ. Still susceptible, but now safely indwelt by God's Spirit, back into this world we are injected as special agents of the unseen and increasingly unacknowleged God. Eternally secure and culturally challenged. 

What can we do? Definitely not twiddle our thumbs or throw up helpless hands. Definitely not run after shiny thief idols that steal our heart away. We must play our part encouraging and embracing all who the Lord calls to Himself.  We should challenge everyone we meet to bow before Jesus or face the music. Every Christian should tell the mighty works of God. "For Christ and the Kingdom" should be our rally cry, our heart's desire, our highest aim. We must live for the glory of God, seeking only Christ's pleasure and not our own. Magnify the Lord of glory. Lift up the Name of Jesus. Exalt the Lord your God. You will draw the attention of scorners and God praisers alike. Ask yourself what is best for the Kingdom of Jesus, not what is best for you. You will be living like Jesus. God will bless such work. The gospel will supernaturally flourish by God's sovereign grace and your glad surrender. God's grace overcomes man's unrighteousness. Christ will reign and His kingdom will advance. And we will praise Him forever. 


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