We are on the brink of a brand new year. We are about to turn the page on the calendar and add a new number to the date. We are one moment closer to Jesus' return or our promotion. We are another second, minute, hour, day, month, and year closer to closing up shop here on earth. We are one step closer to Home. Eternity awaits. Praising the glory of God's grace in Christ is our glad privilege now and will be forever.
Until then, my prayer is that we, individually, as households, and as the local assembly known as Grace Church of Orange, working together with the Body of Christ and our beautiful Savior, will seize every opportunity to praise God and reflect His glory, giving gospel truth with open hearts and hands, doing good to all, loving Jesus supremely and being used by God for eternal purposes.
I invite you to meditate with me on 2 Cor. 4:1-6:10 as we begin this year together. Read it, pray it, digest it, live it. I'm looking forward to what God will do and praising Him together as we look to Jesus.
Side by side, for Jesus and the gospel,
All praise to the Lord Jesus Christ. I have been saved by sovereign grace alone, through the gift of faith alone, in Christ alone, as revealed in Scripture alone, for God's glory alone.