Abraham Lincoln is one of America's most beloved presidents. But no one was enamored with his looks. Of him an English magazine reported in 1862: "To say he is ugly is nothing; to add that his figure is grotesque is to convey no adequate impression." It's who he was and what he did that counts. His memory lives on but he is not here.
Jesus is our beloved Savior. To call him "beautiful" is an accurate representation. But it has nothing to do with looks. Of Him the prophet Isaiah said: "He has no stately form or majesty That we should look upon Him, Nor appearance that we should be attracted to Him." (Is. 53:2) It's who He is and what He did that counts. He ever lives to make intercession for the saints and He will soon return.
"Remember Jesus Christ risen from the dead" (2 Tim. 2:8).
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