I'm finishing 1 Peter this Sunday. Preaching 1 Peter 5:12–14. Peter is landing the plane, finishing his letter, taking the pen and giving a final greeting. He goes big. He name-checks Silas his faithful friend, scribe and bearer of the letter to the scattered churches. He recounts his purpose in writing: to exhort and encourage those born again to a living hope to stand firm in the true grace of God. He gives them greetings from some loved ones. He tells them to express their love for one another. He assures them of their peace with God through Christ.
He is talking about how faithful love is necessary for standing firm in Christ. God's faithful love towards us and our faithful love toward him and others. His love never fails because it is rooted in His character. He is always holy, righteous, perfect, gracious, kind, and loving, and so on. Our best love is merely a reflection of His. At our worst, we are unholy, unrighteous, imperfect, ungracious, unkind, unloving, and worse. That is why we must stand firm in the true grace of God. Kissed by his love. Having peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
So even though we are often unfaithful, he remains faithful. And for the elect, even though we go through much pain and suffering here on earth, our eternity is secured in Christ. Not because of anything we have done or any worthiness in us, in ourselves there is nothing that would commend us to Him. But solely by grace, showering mercy on undeserving objects of wrath, God transforms our lowly estate and seats us with Christ in the heavenlies. And the result is real lives being lived out in real time for a real Savior Who wants to make a real difference in us and through us.
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