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True repentance is a change of heart and mind and actions; away from sin and toward God.

Christ's Lordship transforms us into free radicals. Free in Christ to live radically for Jesus and the Gospel.

A sort of poem...forgive the CAPS. I'm not yelling.:-)

Thoughts on God process of making believers more like Christ.

Let the nations rage. Let secularists and humanists boast of their autonomy. Let everyone stand in opposition. Let them drag your name through the mud in the public square. Let the chips fall where they may. You acknowledge Christ's Lordship. You stand for Gospel truth. Because you are eternally safe in Christ.

Faithfulness and kindness are in short supply and there's nothing like a road trip across our beautiful land to remind you of that truth. Truckers rarely yield and out of state motorists, including me, aren't much better.