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God's people share God's mission. We may not always feel, look, or act like it, but when God reconciled us to Himself through Christ we became ambassadors for Christ in a very needy world (2 Cor. 5:17-21). That world often harshly rejects the Gospel message brought by fellow frail humans. Nonetheless, those who have been born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus from the dead are Christ's ambassadors. We represent Christ and the Gospel to our families, friends, neighbors, relatives, neighborhood, community, and to the ends of the earth. It is not a matter of whether we will accept it or not, it is fact; but it is a matter of intentional engagement. Our God-given calling is to intentionally engage in His mission.

God's mission is that people would glorify Him through lives transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God changes lives through the dynamic power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ crucified, risen, coming again, and reigning forever. When we are made right with God through faith in Christ, God plants new desires in us for righteousness and truth and God's will. We want to please our Lord and Savior. We want what He wants. What He wants is our complete yieldedness to His mission of rescuing the perishing, bringing people under wrath into the realm of mercy and grace, into the glorious freedom of the children of God. We want to unashamedly show, and tell people about, Jesus (Rom. 1:16).

My questions abound: How is the passion God has given you for the lost souls all around translating into your daily life? What avenues and open doors are you finding for the Gospel? What might be hindering your intentional engagement in Gospel pursuits? Are there ways we are hindering God's mission? How might God want to use you/me/us in even greater ways?

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