Online Giving

Cancellations, suspensions, postponements.

Concerts. Travel. School. Birthday parties. The NBA. March Madness. Even Disneyland. And much more. All being put on hold. For the time being.

I’m actually at home anyway. I started getting sick this week. I stayed home Wednesday, went to the doctor Thursday, and I’m on my second day of medications. So I had to stay home recuperating anyway.

I don’t know about you, but it’s kind of nice to know you get to just rest a while. We are so crazy busy in our lives that sometimes we don’t stop to take a breather. So, a forced pause might be just what the Great Physician ordered.

God is sovereign, He has all things under control. This world is not our home. It’s our temporary home. Believers in the finished work of Christ on the cross, in our place, paying the penalty our sins deserved, have an eternal home in heaven. We are citizens of heaven. And God will one day make all things new. He will right all wrongs and set everything straight. Until then, we live in a fallen, mixed up, messed up world.

So I’m very thankful for this reminder. It’s sobering to realize that people are dying every moment without Jesus. We need to get the Word of God out to the people in our own homes, in our neighborhood, and - praise God for technology, even when you cannot travel - to the ends of the earth.

During uncertain times, as believers we have a timely opportunity to be salt and light in our community. I am praying that the Lord would use every Christian to lead the way in hope and love, in our own homes and as we share our faith in Christ with others. We have been born again to a living hope (1 Peter 1:3).

Our hope does not disappoint, it enables us to love others during times of fearfulness. May God be glorified and Jesus Christ be praised in and through us.