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Christian, none of us knows what is next. All of us are in the same boat. We may think we know, but only God knows what will happen tomorrow. He knows who you will marry or not. What job you will have or not. Who your kids will marry and what they will do in life. Every unknown detail is His. Every secret belongs to Him. We have yesterday and today as our point of reference. Tomorrow is God's.

And you may be even more uncertain than that. You may not know where your next meal is coming from, how your next bill will get paid, maybe you are frozen in fear and don't know what to do next, or you don't know how you will do what you know you need to do but don't have the resources to do. You have no idea how you will make it.

The good news is that God has provided the resources so that you will not only survive, but thrive in Christ. His unfathomable riches in Christ are yours. His faithful love holds you up. So you have been unfaithful. Don't wallow in it. Stand firm in Christ. He remains faithful. Confess your sins. Profess His greatness. Knowledge your need. Thanking for the shed blood of Christ that cleanses us from all sin. Walk in victory. Do what God calls you to do in his strength. One step at a time. He's the one who's doing the work. He is the one who is holding you up. Stand firm in His grace.

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