Jesus opens unseeing eyes. He did it for the physically blind. He does it for the spiritually blind and shortsighted. He did it, and does it, for me. He opens the eyes of our hearts to eternal realities; and He helps us be aware to see human needs all around us. He wants to use us to make an eternal difference in people's lives.
That's the the heart of what my good friend Ed Lewis preached at Grace Orange yesterday during all three morning worship services. Through a proclamation of key verses of Scripture in Matthew 9 and elsewhere, and through impactful stories of lives changed by the grace of God, Ed painted a compelling picture of what we are called to do by God.
Jesus saw the crowds, He was sensitive to their hopelessness, He sought workers to use to reach them (Matt. 9:36-38). We cannot delegate our responsibility to preach the gospel. See those in your path as people in need of Jesus. Show and share His compassion. Tell the good news of what God has done in Christ and through your life.
Bottom line, do what God's Word says. In the power of the Holy Spirit, see the real people in your spheres of life, be sensitive to where they are at in life, and start conversations for Jesus and the gospel.