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Are you serving the clock and the dollar, or are they serving God's good gospel purposes? What's the reality in your life? Would you like to know how you can break free?

Malachi 2:17-3:6 is all about a faithful Father (God) graciously dealing with His foolish children (His covenant people).

God's Grace in Christ regenerates us and gives us new life. We desire Christ and He keeps His Word. All who come to Him will never be cast out. Here is a poem that explains in prose the process of acknowledging sin and turning to Jesus.

The very bright and powerful hope of the gospel is that lasting life change is really possible. The finished work of Christ at the Cross means that restarts can and actually do happen by the miraculous working of God.

Do you think 'born again' Christians come across as obnoxious, self righteous, hypocritical and weirdly fanatical about non-essential things? I do too. I am one and am guilty of all those things and more.

What do born again believers in the Lord Jesus Christ really really want?