As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace: (1 Peter 4:10 ESV)
This verse has so much to say to us. It is focused in its application on serving one another in the body of Christ. As each one, each elect exile, has received a gift from God. That's the word charisma, a gift of grace, a free gift from God. Stemming from the gift of eternal life given and received, a believer is then gifted by God with certain enablings, giftings, to be used for the common good. These gifts of God are to be exercised for the collective good of the community of faith.
Employ it in serving one another. diakoneō, to serve, to minister. The idea is that you would love your fellow brothers and sisters as yourself. The whole idea of this verse centers on loving one another by serving. And we are to do so by being good (literally, beautiful) stewards of the manifold, many colored, varicolored grace of God. The grace of God has many beautiful effects.
One of those effects is is the God-powered administration of God-given gifts. Serving one another through gifting. Good stewards of God's varicolored grace. In the right ministry for the purpose of glorifying God and getting His Word to people. Your powerful stewardship is to be grace-filled serving through God's gracious gifting and enabling. It originates in God and it finds its greatest expression in a love-filled fellowship of believers who are committed to Christ, Scripture, and Christ's Church.
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