OK, first the obvious: Tag-team preaching is not the norm. At best, it is a once-in-a-long-while way to present a unified front to a congregation and expose them to the entire pastor/elder leadership team in concentrated form. It is a bit of a novelty really. I got the idea back in my Downey First Baptist days of 9 associate pastors team preaching twice: the first time it was the Lord’s Prayer and the second was the Fruit of the Spirit. Three minutes each and don’t go over your allotted time. Talk about peer pressure!
Actually, tag-team preaching can be really, really good for the Body of Christ. And during the month of May, it will be great for you to hear the hearts of and benefit from the preaching of all our Grace pastors and elders as we preach our new vision together. As I mentioned last Sunday, I will be doing the Intro and Conclusion each week...for continuity puposes...and for quality control of course.:-) In all seriousness, our pastors and elders are a fantastic team of uniquely gifted communicators of God’s Word. I am very blessed and thankful to be a part of that team. Be praying for us as we "devote ourselves to prayer and the ministry of the Word" (Acts 6:4) and "Preach the Word" (2 Tim. 4:2).
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