We are feeling the birth pains once again. Pain leading to glorious life, not grisly death, but nonetheless pain. Boston. Texas. National. Worldwide. Personal. Internal. Ripping at our hearts, shocking the senses. Jesus said it would be like this.
In every time and place where the gospel has been preached and lives have been changed, Christians (those who have been born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Christ) have believed that they were living in the Last Days. Events come one after the other, building to a time that will result in a crescendo of praise from believers and abject horror from unbelievers at Christ’s appearing.
We feel the beginning of the birth pains that Jesus spoke of in life-altering events. We were shocked once again last Monday by what happened in Boston. Things like this really should no longer shock us but they do each time. Mind numbing pain but the senses still say something is terribly wrong. Evil runs rampant in the hearts and streets of men and Jesus is our only hope. We must believe Him to live. People forsake Him at their peril. And God, by His Spirit and through His Word, continues to lovingly, pariently and mercifully tell us the truth about Himself, about us and about the future.
The gospel gives us hope as we live in what looks like the last days. Only God knows.
All praise to the Lord Jesus Christ. I have been saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, as revealed in Scripture alone, for God's glory alone. Jesus loves you!