Online Giving

I've been thinking a lot about how God loves us unconditionally. That means that our performance does not earn us more of his love. Because of his love we want to serve him and live for his glory, but we do not do anything to earn more of his love. It is true that if we love him, we will obey him. He makes that very clear in John chapter 15. But bedrock basic to our faith is the first truth that God is holy and sovereign and he chooses to love us and display that ultimately at the cross.

So if you feel like you are failing, and you are downcast in spirit because you think you are disappointing him, just know that he loves you. In this is love, not that we loved him, but that he loved us and sent his son to be the propitiation for our sins. Because of his great love he sent Jesus to die in your place. God made you. He chose you. He loves you. Rest and rejoice in that truth today. Jesus loves you because He made you, chose you, and saved you; not because of your good behavior.

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