Christ's Lordship transforms us into free radicals. Free in Christ to live radically for Jesus and the Gospel.
Colossians chapter 1 is one of my favorite chapters in the Bible and verse 18 is one of my favorite verses, because it speaks of Jesus Christ having first place in everything. The preeminence of Christ must have a prominent place in our hearts, minds, and lives. It should cause us to reevaluate and reform our thoughts, words, and actions in light of its glorious truth.
Simply put, the preeminence of Christ means that Jesus Christ is God, and Lord over all and so He comes first. He is consulted first. His opinion matters most. Whatever is in line with the Word of God gets top billing. Christians view Jesus as their very life (Col. 3:4), so their life revolves around Jesus, and the trajectory of their life is always Godward. Jesus should transform how we treat our family and talk to our neighbors. It should affect trips to the grocery store and our time on the ball field. It should alter the way we engage in the private sector and the public square. When you yield to Jesus everything changes.
Because Jesus is over all. He holds all things together by the Word of His power. He is the immediate and ultimate authority we must acknowledge and order our lives around. He is the One we should want to please more than any other. He is the head of His Church. He is Lord of all and should be acknowledged as Lord by all. One day every knee will bow and tongue confess that Jesus is Lord (Phil. 2:9-11). God has put all things under his feet (Eph. 1:22) but many refuse to bow to the King of kings.
Christians acknowledge Christ's Lordship but due to sin have a hard time actually living under His rule. The preeminence of Christ should radically transform our lives, our households, and the household of God. Under Christ's Lordship your perspective on everything is transformed. Your will view life, marriage, parenting, church life, education, science, medicine, economics, entertainment, work, leisure, politics, moral issues, and your neighbors, in a vastly different way. People living under the radical Lordship of Christ will often be accused of holding radical views.
If we want to please God in our lives we will approach this topic very seriously and soberly. The universe-altering truth of Christ's preeminence should cause us to trust God to transform our lives by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
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