What 1 Peter 1:17-21 teaches us: A healthy fear of God, a.k.a. fear of displeasing God and incurring His discipline on our lives (a la Heb. 12:3-11) both springs from and leads us to...
1. A deep awareness of our sinfulness. We know we needed initial conversion and need ongoing cleansing from sin. We call upon God as our Father knowing our desperate need and fully dependent on Him. We pray humbly and expectantly. Knowing that God in Christ is the only One who can forgive us. We stand in holy fear.
2. A deep appreciation for Christ's sufficiency. We love the precious blood of Christ. We openly acknowledge that God is a holy God and that we were by nature are dead in our transgressions and sins and rightly stood under His just condemnation. We reject our former futility and rejoice in our new life because of Jesus. God freed and ransomed us by Christ's blood.
3. A deep abiding faith and hope in God. Jesus is the sweetest name we know. In him we find a refuge and rest for our souls. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. We do not take it lightly or live cavalierly as a result, but out of deep gratitude we pour out our lives in service to Jesus. And so, we live each moment in His power, for His glory.
1 Comment
Ryan Watson Aug 21, 2014 @ 7:39 pm
Great observations Mike.
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