The Gospel changes us, humbles and affirms us at the same time. We see how lost and wretched we were. We see how loved and accepted we are in Christ. It leads us to worship Him wholeheartedly. Someday, we will see Jesus. Those who love Him will bow humbly at His feet in praise and worship. All who reject Him will bow before Him as well.
When all is said and done it won’t matter how successful we were, how significant people think our work is, if we don’t please God it won’t matter whom else we please. It is all about seeing the glory of God in the face of Christ. There is nothing greater or more significant than that. God wants us to love the glory of Jesus Christ more than anything. God wants us to get to the place where we joyfully declare “Jesus Christ is my life” (Col. 3:4).
Luke 19:40 says that if Christ’s followers do not praise Him then inanimate objects of His creation will. If we remain silent the rocks will cry out. The stones are on standby in case we don’t do what we were made to do: praise and worship the One who gave us life and breath and purchased redemption for us on the cross through Christ’s shed blood and resurrection.
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