Strong Assurance in Christ
November 12, 2018
In Romans 8:29, the Spirit pulls the curtain back to show believers what God did before they existed, so that they would have strong confidence, unassailable assurance and security, in who God is and what he does.
What can these truths do for you soul? How does it crush insecurity?
These truths give Assurance...
You can Rest Assured. If God foreknew and predestined you to salvation (aka being conformed to the image of Christ, aka adoption as sons), and therefore He is working all things together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His eternal purpose, which means that your salvation and eternity are 100% secure, how can you entertain thoughts such as “I’ve ruined everything” or “my life is over”, unless you’ve bought in to the lie that the Gospel doesn’t really transform and this earthbound life is all there is and there is nothing beyond the grave?
Rest assured, God graciously and sovereignly chose you, and nothing can separate you from His love in Christ. Nothing means nothing. God doesn’t deal in man-determined situational destinies, He is the God of unconditional election. He put no conditions on you. Your salvation doesn’t depend even 1% on you. He decided and acted upon His choice. Salvation is all of God. All means all; what God decrees stands forever.