Love Initiates Friendly Engagement.
June 21, 2017
Love Initiates Friendly Engagement.
That's a good way of life.
For me it's based on Loving Jesus Christ supremely. He died for my sins in my place. I was lost and under the just wrath of God. All I deserved was hell. I had no way to make myself alive. I was dead in my sin. God made me alive in Christ. I love him because he first loved me.
Because of God's love, I want to Initiate loving words and actions towards others. That will find its way into helping others know Jesus and grow in their faith. I want to go out of my way to help others have peace with God.
Because of God's love for me I want to be a Friend to all. Not making distinctions based upon any human measurement. But seeking to love unconditionally, like Jesus does. Knowing that we are all frail, faulty, and failing, I want to point others to the only Faithful One.
The love of God, and my love for God, causes me to go out of my way to Engage others in the process of knowing Jesus. I want everyone I know to know the Truth and be set free. That is why I want to engage others with the Word of God as often as possible. My words may help you but God's Word can heal you, change you, comfort you, and give you life.
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