Most Christians would say that gospel tracts (cards, pamphlets, brochures, you name it) are a thing of the past. Old-fashioned. Old-school. Outdated. I've got a friend named Jeff Sherfey who passes them out all the time. He is a LA County Sheriff and also has a ministry in the jails. He is a very friendly person and a winsome witness for Christ. This morning we were at Pomona Pitzer College for a cross country meet watching our sons run for The Masters College. As my family drove up we saw Jeff putting gospel cards on people's cars.
My heart was glad because he was redeeming the time before the race to get the Word of God into people's hands. He gave me a couple. After the race on the way back to the car we saw a big empty bus parked near the race and Sophia my youngest said "Can I give one of these cards?" "Absolutely!" was my reply. We walked up to the bus and couldn't see the driver so we put the card on the door. Then we saw the driver sitting in the luggage bay under the bus in the shade. A great spot. We told her we left her something on the door. She said that was the second one she'd received today. We said goodbye and then kept walking down the sidewalk. But I was compelled to turn around. I told my family "I'm going to go talk to that lady".
I introduced myself and asked her if she had read the first card she had received. She said yes. And that she totally loved it. And that she has been saved. Four years ago she was remarried to a Christian man and she said that she went to church with him three years ago on Easter Sunday and could no longer resist God's love in the gospel. She surrendered her life to Jesus Christ and believed the gospel and received forgiveness of sins. It was at the first Baptist Church of Rancho Cucamonga. Her name is Judy. His name is Mike. She said they were playing the song Amazing Grace. She is very thankful for Jesus. And eternal life.
I'm really glad people interact with other people in friendly ways and give them little cards with Bible verses on them to point them to faith in Christ. I'm glad that we have the freedom and I'm glad that God puts it on the hearts of many to step outside their selfish bubble and reach out with the love of Jesus.
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