Just in case you have been wondering… "Whatever happened to memorizing 1 Peter?", let's just say it hasn't been easy. I am still working on it. Memorizing chapters 1-2 were tough but doable. I was able to get through chapter 3 pretty well. But I began to bog down in chapter 4 a little bit. With a bit of help, more help than an Awana leader is supposed to give their kids, I could get through the whole book at this point. But I can't tell you that I've memorized it word for word.
I am committed to continue memorizing 1 Peter even though I finished preaching the book and completed 35 sermons going verse by verse. I still listen to 1 Peter several times a week and try to recite as much as I can in one sitting.
My encouragement to you: Set out to memorize and meditate on as much Scripture as you can. Fill your heart and mind up with it. We live in a world of gluttony and overconsumption. But there's no such thing as getting too much Scripture. You cannot overeat God's Word. Now it's one thing to memorize scripture and to end your life and apply it, it's another just to memorize it but not do a thing about it. We don't want to deceive ourselves (James 1:22). 2 Tim. 2:15 and 3:16 tell us how important Scripture is. It is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path (Ps. 119:105).
I especially encourage you to memorize not only individual versus or passages but whole chapters and Holbrooks. Why? It's simple. It's the reason why I am so committed to expositional preaching: because you learn God's Word that way, you see Scripture in context and you get to know the whole book rather than just a small part of it. The authoritative, inspired, inerrant, and infallible Word of God will never lead you astray and will always lead you in the right way.
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