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At first glance Matthew 27:1-26 is a continuation of the awful theme of man's radical sinfulness seen in Judas' betrayal, Jesus' arrest, Caiaphas' blasphemy, Peter's denial and continuing with the trial before Pilate, Judas' suicide, and the people calling for Christ's death. Upon closer inspection, the undercurrent of depravity is being overtaken and overcome by sovereign grace. It is not the falleness of man on primary display, it is the soon-to-be-shed blood of Christ that is taking center stage.

Going to the Cross Jesus' life was innocent, devalued and hated. He stood and took the abuse sinlessly in perfect righteousness. We, on the other hand, were guilty, puffed up and self-absorbed. Sheer sovereign love, grace and mercy drove Jesus to give His precious blood for the life of the world. A precious life-giving benefit for all who believe. There is life in the Lord Jesus Christ. May you know that life today. 

All praise to the Lord Jesus Christ. I have been saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, as revealed in Scripture alone, for God's glory alone. Jesus loves you!