Sermon in a Nutshell: Romans 10:11-13 “Calling on Christ: From Sin and Shame to Salvation”
April 29, 2019
Sermon in a Nutshell:
Romans 10:11-13
“Calling on Christ: From Sin and Shame to Salvation”
Our sin brings shame, the Son brings salvation.
3 life-changing truths regarding salvation.
v11: We are ashamed of many things; there is hope for whoever believes in Christ.
V12: We make so many distinctions; Christ grants his riches to all who call on him.
V13: Christ universally offers salvation; whoever will call on him will be saved.
BELIEVING IS TOTAL SURRENDER. It is not shallow, not just when convenient. When Christ is preeminent, when Jesus is the supreme affection of your heart, life takes on a fuller dimension. Transforms Marriage, Singleness, Friendship, Work, Digital media, Retirement, Church life, Your life.
Jesus didn’t die to showcase your selfishness, or to cultivate your pride, or to coddle your sin, or to carry out your political, economic, or social causes. He died to set you free from enslaving sin, to rescue you from death and hell. He died so you’d rejoice in His immeasurable riches, that you’d glorify Him in this life. He died to give you his righteousness so you would rest in him with deep love and humility, so you would not live for this world but for the one to come. Showcase Christ. Call on Him - in ongoing dependence. Deeply love Jesus. Radically surrendered, Gradually TRANSFORMED.