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“A Christian’s Prayer for True Love”

Lord, You are love. You have existed in perfect unified love from all eternity. One God, existing in three persons — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit — perfect in unity and love and perfection and sovereign goodness. Your love is holy, just, kind, patient, merciful, wonderful, beautiful. “Whom have I in heaven but You? And earth has nothing I desire besides You. My flesh and my heart may fail, but You are the strength of my heart and my portion forever” (Psalm 73:25–26).

I can only love You and others because You first loved me. Yes, You first loved me therefore I can love. Apart from Christ I could not know Your love. You love the world so much that You gave your only begotten son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Your love covers everything. It covers the multitude of my sins. It covers my stubborn pride. It covers the nations and it does not ignore sin. Your love sent Jesus to the cross to die in the place of lost sinners, and You open hearts to the gospel, and anyone who comes to You, You envelop in Your love forever.

Your love is magnificent. It covers my soul when I am weak and unable to even lift my voice to you. Lord the knowledge of your love is beyond my understanding and yet you in your sweet mercy bring it down to my level so that I can understand your love. I know Your love because You have revealed Your love in Christ.

The pages of Scripture are filled with Your love. Even Your judgment is exercised in love. Love not as the world defines it, but true love that is holy and righteous and good. Without a speck of bad. Love that always does what is right and good and true. Lord please love through me.

Please move my heart to love You more. Please help me know that there’s nothing I can do to get more of Your love pointed my way, but there is much I can do to rejoicing and savor the love that already exists. It is immeasurable, unfathomable, unstoppable, and eternal. I love You Lord. Thank You for first loving me.

This world is hurting and hungry for true love. You have given true love. You drench me in true love. Saturate my soul with your love such that I am seen not as the doer of good things but the servant of the One who is love and does all things well. Use me to love others. May my love reflect Yours. May the love I show be Yours. Jesus, You are lovely. Use me as an instrument of Your true love. Love through me so people will see You Jesus. Amen.