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"The Lord is faithful in all his words and kind in all his works."
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭145:13‬ ‭

Faithfulness and kindness are in short supply and there's nothing like a road trip across our beautiful land to remind you of that truth. Truckers rarely yield and out of state motorists aren't much better.

We misplace our trust. We hope in princes and horses. Neither policitians nor the Supreme Court can help us. Sorry substitutes. No one seems to want to keep their word or speak kindly in the public square. And on the home front it isn't much better. We scratch and claw and fight with friends and neighbors to get what we want. We swerve into other people's lanes and force our way into places not meant for us. 

Praise God that He is faithful and kind and He is making all the elect like Jesus, faithful and kind. Here's to making progress because of the Word and the Spirit. Here's to sanctifying grace. Here's to becoming more faithful and kind.