Tender Mercy and the Way of Peace

December 24, 2023 Speaker: Mike Sciarra Series: Glorious Grace

Topic: Tender Mercy and the Way of Peace Passage: Luke 1:78–79

Sermon Application Questions:


Read Isaiah 9:6-7, Luke 2:67–79, and John 1:1–14. 


Focus on Jesus, the Prince of Peace, Whose tender mercy sets us on the way of peace. Consider how John says “the Word became flesh”. Pick a phrase or two from the paragraph below, and discuss: 


God the Son did not cease being God to become man. He did not exchange His deity for humanity not give up His divine nature. He was very God of very God as He dwelt on earth: Immanuel, God with us (Matt 1:23; John 8:58; Col 2:9). His divine nature was not diluted or diminished in any way. God the Son eternally existed, assumed true human nature along with His unchanging divine nature. He retained all deity and took on humanity. Due to His perfect sacrifice, He grants mercy and pronounces peace on the undeserving, bringing them into His church.

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