Make Your Plans In Pencil

"A man's heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps." Prov. 16:9

With or without man's permission or co-operation, God will have His way. His sovereignty (supreme power) over the universe and human events guarantees it is certain. The Old Testament story of Joseph and his jealous brothers classically illustrates how God uses wicked men and their sinful actions to accomplish His good purpose. Joseph, humiliated and sold into slavery by his brothers, rises to the number two man in the Egyptian hierarchy. He forgives his brothers and by his authority, not only grants food to the delegation from Israel, but also to his famine stricken nation. His insightful words to his brothers were, "You meant it for evil, (your treatment of me), but God meant it for good." When you are shamefully treated, look for God's greater good.

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