Sweet to the Soul

“More to be desired are they than gold; sweeter also than honey and the drippings of the honeycomb.” Psalm 19:10

The Word of God and the gospel is sweet to our souls. It breaks in to our existence like a cool breeze on a scorching day, like cold water to a weary soul. And as long as we are alive, it will seem strange to us. Foreign, because it is. Until we die, we will find it hard to believe the bad news about ourselves and the good news about Jesus. We do not naturally think we need a mediator due to our sin, that we start out spiritually dead and helpless, unable to do anything to help ourselves or gain God’s favor. It does not occur to us that our greatest need is to be redeemed from sin, justified, regenerated, sanctified, glorified by God's saving work in His Son by His Spirit. Our minds must be captive to Christ. What we think shapes us.

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