The Power Of God's Word

"Unless the law had been my delight, I would then have perished in my affliction. I will never forget precepts, for by them you have quickened me." Psalm 119:92,93 KJV

The author of this Psalm and verse is convinced he would not have survived his perilous life-threatening condition without the support of God's truth. Nor can we! As a hospital chaplain, I've heard many patients say, "I can't take it anymore; I can't go on", who after the hearing God's word were strengthened to carry on and trust God through another day. If we also are to be sustained through life's difficult trials, we must take pleasure in God's quickening Word. It is then we can bear any burden and endure any testing victoriously. Giving up is a failure to look up and delight in God and His Word. Let our motto be "one day at a time dear Jesus."

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