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We have an Adversary and an Advocate

We have an adversary (1 Peter 5:8) and an advocate (1 John 2:1). Our adversary devours and destroys, our advocate defends and delights. Our adversary steals and kills, our advocate secures and gives life. Our adversary degrades and demands, our advocate upgrades and understands. Our adversary accuses us and condemns, our advocate defeated him and defends. Our adversary hat...

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What to Do with Your Worries and Concerns

You may sincerely feel like you are at the breaking point. Like everything is crumbling around you and there is nothing to stand on or hold you up. You may grasp frantically for an answer and in a panic look for anything that might answer your wounded heart; some solution that will bring relief. There is one. ...

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Satisfaction and Substitution

The theological words satisfaction and substitution need to be carefully defined and safeguarded, but they cannot in any circumstances be given up. The biblical gospel of atonement is of God satisfying himself by substituting himself for us....

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A Necessary Death

It was necessary for Christ to die. And it is necessary that we believe in the Only Begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. It is necessary that we grasp this truth....

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A Beautifully Strange Journey

It's a beautifully strange journey. Cosmic and mundane. God's providence and blood, sweat, and tears; sovereign Grace working in and through the elect. A Holy God redeeming sinful man. A process for which we praise the glory of God's grace in Christ....

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The Inerrant Word

Inerrancy is not an optional belief. It is the essential position of Jesus-loving, Bible-believing, Gospel-changed people. We believe every word of God's Word is from God. Full confidence, total sufficiency....

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Sweet Comfort in a Time of Pain

We have sweet comfort in a time of pain, to know we are Christ's and that He reigns....

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Sweet Comfort in Affliction

Trials are difficult to navigate. Suffering is extremely trying. Hardship is pointedly painful. Persecution can play sneaky tricks on your mind. In the midst of tough times it's easy to spin into a spiritual vertigo. It feels like it's impossible to get your compass calibrated. It's tough to hold onto truth in those moments. That's when we need each other to help in a big ...

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The Fiery Trial

How can Christians be ready to suffer for Christ?...

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Musings on Spiritual Gifts

Discovery of your God-given gifting (1 Peter 4:10, gift, Greek charisma = spiritual gift) comes from doing the good things that you want to do because you love Jesus and want to serve Him. That's from God....

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