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Thinking about God's Sovereign and Commanded Will


I'm thinking more and more about the sovereign will of God that unfolds before our eyes but is hidden from our sight until it comes to pass. And I'm thinking about the commanded will of God that is right there front and center waiting for us in the Word of God....

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Thanksgiving: A Time for Reflection


As I reflect upon my life I can see the hand of God leading, guiding, protecting, and providing for me in ways that are nothing short of miraculous, because God has done it. I'm sure you can see these things in your own life as well....

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Hold Your Tongue


I don't know how many times I have spoken words that I ought not to have uttered. Far too many times to count, and far too many times I have needed to repent of words foolishly spoken. I think it's really easy for us to say what does it matter what I say in any given moment? Jesus said we'd give an account for every word carelessly spoken (Matthew 12:36). That's why it mat...

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Risky Business


You can see why people might be suspicious of Christ's followers. They are simultaneously seen as a blessing and a curse. ...

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Never Forget


Never forget the Lord Jesus Christ and what he has done for you....

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I think a lot of people ascribe to the adage that they need to serve themselves. Because no one else will. But I found there's a better way. Wake up in the morning and ask God who you can bless. ...

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Sharpening the Peopling


Making sure your people interactions are encouraging and edifying rather than selfish and insincere comes only when the people of God continually come to the realization that it is not by might nor by power that they live but by God's Spirit (Zech. 4:6). ...

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Traveling Truths


Jesus was constantly helping people rearrange their heart-level priorities, be it a rich young ruler struggling with over attachment to possessions or a self-absorbed follower with an off-kilter, overburdened servant's heart. When we come to the frighteningly accurate realization that our hearts are 24/7 idol factories eagerly seeking things that will ruin us, we must fig...

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Working it Out


Based on the exalted preeminence of the crucified, risen, returning Lord Jesus Christ, we are to intentionally be and do what God calls us to be and do, in His strength, for His glory....

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9 Ways to be a Good Christian Neighbor


9 Ways to be a Good Christian Neighbor. ...

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